Managing Price Risk & ExposureIf your business is not directly engaged in the day-to-day movements of the markets, but nevertheless, you have price exposure that you’d like to manage, then contact our Consultancy Services. If you are a quantity engineer and have price-risk to the cost of raw materials in the planning of your project, a global importer/exporter with currency risk, or a government entity seeking advice on the timing of issuing bonds to finance infrastructure spending, then we can help. If you are a merchant or investment bank and are representing your clients in raising funding, then an assessment of future interest rate trends can prove critical. If you represent a client in an acquisition or disposal, a corporate entity that has to decide whether to pay out surplus cash in share buy-backs or instead secure the funds into a reserve account, then contact us first to evaluate the market trends – it almost certainly will make a huge difference to your business going forward! We specialise in price forecasting, and that covers many differing time-frames, from weeks in advance, projecting many years into the future. We are often commissioned to work on a performance-related basis; alternatively, we can submit a report based upon our standard hourly rates. Please contact with any enquires on services@wavetrack.com using the title heading 'On-Demand Services'. |
On-Demand Services
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We offer forecasts on various products/contents that are not listed in our main services. If you have special requests, please contact us for a quotation. |
Equities Track-RecordThe following track-record examples are intended to provide an overview of how the Elliott Wave methodology is applied in forecasting future price direction, development and amplitude. We give no guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of the information or of any opinions expressed in our reports. Any person, firm or company relying on information contained in these reports does so at her or his own risk. For further information related to our Risk Disclosure, please read here |