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ELLIOTT WAVE COMPASSThe ELLIOTT WAVE COMPASS report focuses on the shorter-term perspective of price development comprising of two online updates per week describing and illustrating a cross-section of market trends/counter-trends for stock indices, bonds, currencies and commodities from around the world. This report is ideal for professional and private clients trading a time horizon of a just a few days to a few weeks ahead. ELLIOTT WAVE U.S. STOCK INDICESThe ELLIOTT WAVE U.S. STOCK INDICES subscription provides professionals and institutions with analysis of directional trends, counter-trends and amplitude price targets for major U.S. indices over varying time-intervals, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly. Charts and forecasts are updated during each week and throughout the month on an ongoing, rotational basis into our proprietary software – this subscription includes: click here ELLIOTT WAVE COMMODITIESThe ELLIOTT WAVE COMMODITIES subscription provides professionals and institutions with analysis of directional trends, counter-trends and amplitude price targets for major COMMODITIES over varying time-intervals, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly. Charts and forecasts are updated monthly together with a DETAILED REPORT – this subscription includes: click here ELLIOTT WAVE FORECAST
WAVESEARCHAvailable using your preferred internet browser, some of the most creative features include illustrations of all EW pattern variations/permutations assigned to each wave sequence of both larger and smaller degree - fib-price-ratios commonly found for each pattern - and an historical library of patterns and ratios that can be used as a reference for upcoming trading strategies.