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ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS - Latest Market Commentary

Stock Indices

25th July 2024 - Exciting stuff! Over the last week, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 have both tested important upside targets for the completion of 2022-23’s rallies. Price rejection to the downside during the last ###several trading days is a promising beginning in validating a reversal-signature – the only thing missing was an intra-hourly five wave impulse decline to confirm directional change. Up until last Friday’s low, there were only three waves down so far – yes, the third sequence was quite a bit larger than the first decline, especially in the Nasdaq 100 which suggested 3rd wave characteristics – but the real proof was the necessity to decline in five waves – Monday/Tuesday’s rallies provided a 4th wave whilst today’s sell-off is the 5th! And so, we can now confirm a five wave impulse decline has unfolded from the previous week’s highs in the S&P and Nasdaq, confirming those highs as peaks for this year. Read full summary in our latest report!

Financial Updates Currencies

Currencies (FX)

25th July 2024 - Then US$ dollar index has completed five waves down from July’s high of 106.13 into last week’s low of ###103.65 which completes minuette wave [i] – see inset. A counter-trend correction is underway towards approx. 104.90+/-. The three wave decline from April’s high of 106.51 measures the two declining sequences at a fib. 100% equality ratio, the ratio found in corrective zig zags. But this is not considered a zig zag because by comparison, other G10 dollar currency pairs do not show this same ratio – also, the AUD/US$’s inverse but corresponding ... Read full summary in our latest report!

Financial Updates Bonds

Bonds (Interest Rates)

25th July 2024 - The US10yr yield has declined from April’s high of 4.737 into an overlapping five wave diagonal pattern, completing last week at 4.143. This is labelled intermediate wave (1) within### primary wave C’s developing impulse downtrend where ultimate targets remain unchanged towards 3.017+/-. Shorter-term, a three wave correction as wave (2) has begun – so far, this is expected to unfold as a single a-b-c zig zag and return back towards resistance at ‘fourth wave preceding degree’, i.e. minor wave iv. four’s high of 4.491 – in close proximity is the fib. 61.8% ret... Read full summary in our latest report!


25th July 2024 - Precious metals have failed to maintain June’s advances despite gold’s break to modest new record highs last week. The reversal downswing in gold from a high of 2483.86 to Monday’s low of 2384.28 is### confirming minor wave iv. four’s correction that began from April’s high of 2431.03 is continuing to develop to the downside. Silver’s rally from June’s low of 28.55 ran out of steam ending into the previous week’s high of 31.78. Subsequent declines are in the process of unfolding into another zig zag, the third sequence in a triple zig zag that began from May’s high of 32.51 – downside targets towards 27.16+/-. Crude oil has just completed three waves down from July’s high of 84.52 into Tuesday’s low of 76.40. A 4th wave correction has begun, but once completed, followed by a 5th wave towards 75.00+/-. This is confirming the larger downtrend in progress as primary wave C. Read full summary in our latest report!



Bloomberg hosted a Precious Metals Forum on 23rd May and WaveTrack International was invited to present our latest Elliott Wave price-forecasts. The event was sponsored by the CME Group and Johnson Matthey.



  • The 2013 outlook for global stock indices and commodities remains very bullish and is entering the last stage of the ‘inflation-pop’ phase that originally began from the post-financial crisis lows of 2008/09
  • This is expected to ignite another period of asset buying that increases risk-on multiples by a minimum 45% per cent and in some cases as much as +300% per cent, sending some global stock indices and commodities into record highs
  • Shorter-term, there is a danger of a downward adjustment of -5-8% per cent, but then sharp price advances to resume
  • Commodity related stock indices and equities are expected to outperform as a sector during the next 12-16 months
  • Banking stocks to participate, but most will not exceed their pre-financial crisis highs

As always, this year’s Outlook & Forecasts for the next twelve months are created applying the Elliott Wave Principle for the assessment of pattern and price amplitude, also Cycle Analysis for the timing of the larger trend reversals. Not always do they jive, but they seldom contradict and more often, provide valuable insights into one or two variations of a similar theme within a seemingly unlimited amount of possibilities.

Even though this report outlines the price expectancy of all asset classes for 2012 it will also illustrate how this coming year fits together into the larger picture. The reasoning behind this is to move away from the 'black-box' stereotype and show you why the results relate to their specific outcome. Overall, this report deals with two different time-periods – long-term and inter-mediate term. Long-term refers to the uptrends from the Great Depression of 1932 onwards and inter-mediate term for the coming year and into 2013.


What do you see when looking at an Elliott Wave chart? Just lots of numbers & letters overlaying the price data? – or do you see definable patterns that are immediately familiar? And how do you interpret the results of the analysis and put it into an effective trading plan? Read on and test your own knowledge of these subjects and much more...


Recent reports of a Commodity Super-Cycle grabbed my attention for two reasons – first, this is diametrically different to the outlook I foresee developing during the next decade, and second, this terminology has surfaced at a time when various commodities have already undergone large percentage gains measured from the Feb.'09 lows


The primary theme of this presentation focuses on a 'Deflationary' outlook, forecast as the dominant aspect continuing during the next decade. This is derived from analysing the Elliott Wave pattern structure of the CRB (Cash) Index during its expansionary period of the last 76 years.


The Update Alert! messaging service of EW-Forecast Plus responded to the sharp collapse and the following recovery of US stock indices during the volatile trading session on the 6th May.


This analysis centres around the S&P 500 that is used as a proxy for other global indices. The great bull market beginning from the 1932 low ends 68 years later in 2000 - other global indices peaked later in 2007 (75yrs) – some still continuing to progress.



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"I just wanted to congratulate you on the EW-Compass reports launch. I'd say all the work you've all put into this project is well worth it… never cease to be amazed by the harmony that you find between the fib relations you highlight and the Elliott count you propose. You are a true descendant of RNE, and I'm quite sure he'd have really loved to see your work… Another aspect that sets you apart is your deep knowledge of the how and why of pattern relationships between higher & lower degrees of the same price action. So much to learn there". - T.S.



The Wave Principle, often referred to as Elliott Wave is a unique methodology that applies Natures Laws, those encompassing the Natural Sciences and Universal Geometric Philosophies to the financial markets. It allows us to view price fluctuations as an organised process that can be non-linearly extrapolated to gain a glimpse into the future direction of trends, counter-trends and amplitudes on any market or contract traded around the world.

Expanding Diagonal Patterns - Do they actually exist? - Elliott's inclusion of the Contracting Diagonal

In R.N.Elliott's original treatise of "The Wave Principle (1938)", he introduces us to diagonal patterns for the first time on page 21. Under the heading, Triangles, Elliott describes the difference between horizontal triangles that represent hesitation within an ongoing, progressive trend and diagonal triangles that form the concluding 5th wave of a larger five wave sequence.


Tradersworld Online Expo #12 – Starts 12th November 2012

Peter Goodburn will be presenting his latest Elliott Wave analysis at the 12th Trader Expo held online for 7 weeks starting on 12th November 2012 and ending in the new year on 6th January 2013. Peter’s presentation is entitled “Elliott Wave Price Forecasts & Cycle Projections – Three Phases of the 18 Year Bear Market ~ ‘Shock–Pop–Drop’” for more information visit http://tradersworldonlineexpo.com/

Announcement: 123rd Battery Council & Trade Fair Convention in Miami, 1-4 May 2011

Peter Goodburn will be presenting his latest Elliott Wave analysis at the 123rd Trade Fair Convention of the Battery Council in Miami, 1-4 May 2011. Peter’s presentation is entitled "The Historical Price Trend of Lead and Applying the Elliott Wave Principle to plot its course into the Future".